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A pretty badass car that Is reliable and a tank.Often Gets confused with Caddilac and or Police car.I've had 2 of them ran one into another car and 2 people didnt even realize it.Nicknames include but are not limited to "Land Yacht" "Marios M1" "Tank" "Boat" "Ghetto Cruiser". See above photo.

Dang man that was a pretty hard hit, that highway wall coulda messed us up. Good thing we're in your Tank of a Buick. Gotta luv this car.

by $uper M8-)rio January 10, 2005

469👍 361👎

Super Mario

Established on February 28th 1984 In Detroit Michigan. Pretty Cool Cat that is always smilin havin a chill time wildin out.Cruisin in the Mafia Mobile (See Buick)Also enjoys chattin with models like Prince$$ and goin on the lake. Also spelled $uper M8-)rio or $uper Mario. Loves to sing dance act and have a fun time. Look for $uper around Hollywood in future. Remember you saw him here first www.urbandictionary.com!!!

Man I dunno its kinda slack round deez partz we ougghtta call $uper M8-)rio he always knows how to entertain and have a good time without drinkin.Good idea lets call him.Hes one crazy kat

by $uper M8-)rio February 21, 2005

42👍 65👎