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full screen view

a term used when, usually Asian people joking around, non-Asians who have eyes like 👁👄👁

A: why can i see his eyes from like a mile away, like dude, that's not even possible
B: bro it's because he has the full screen view

by *-.Starrily.-* September 24, 2020

full screen view

a term used when, usually Asian people joking around, non-Asians who have eyes like 👁👄👁

A: why can i see his eyes from like a mile away, like dude, that's not even possible
B: bro it's because he has the full screen view

by *-.Starrily.-* September 24, 2020


People who think they're Korean, adore Koreans, think that Koreans are the handsomest people in the world while the actual Koreans don't give a shit about them

Koreaboos: I really sarang Oppa and I want to be his girlfriend. Aiiich >< what do I do?! He doesn't speak to me and probably never will. I really hope Oppa will sarang me back, because as soon as he sees me he will fall for me because I look so different.. And we'll get married and have children... Oppa, sarange me please!! Oppa Jimin, I beg you to sarang me..

Jimin: Don't get your hopes up, you nasty

by *-.Starrily.-* December 24, 2019

18👍 1👎

Blood Sweat & Tears

A song by South Korean boy group BTS. It has sexy-sounding vocals and beautiful dance moves. It's something you'd want to hear your whole life.

Girl 1: "Have you seen the Blood Sweat & Tears music video by BTS?"
Girl 2: "OMG yes!! It's so sexy!"
Girl 1: "Just wait till you see Jimin reveal his shoulder 🤤"
Girl 2: "Those vocals by Jungkook and Jimin are such turn-ons."

by *-.Starrily.-* May 5, 2020

15👍 2👎

your oppa

something jungkook is not.

Fan: "Jungkookie opPA!"
Jungkook: "I'm not your oppa"

by *-.Starrily.-* July 27, 2020