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1. Explaining something in a sentence or something.
2. A language of the gods.
3. A word that symbolizes life itself. From the beginning to now. From the T to the E. Evolution, people, science. Everything we know is controlled by people who have more power than us. Less empathy. Less sympathy. Those suckers you never get to see with their pouted lips and fancy walk. They watch over us in their thrones saying, "I'm glad that I'm not them." And they say no more. When begged for help, they ignore and reject. But then they say things like "I'm so lonely." Even though everyone wants to be them. Those rich and powerful snobs make everyone feel bad about themselves. Eat the rich! Those people make me sick. Watching us. Planning something. Yet we do not know what they are planning. All we know is that they're doing something. Something up there watching us. Observing. Using satellites that they got from other filthy rich people. They even know things like how many times we use specific words a day or how often we use them. Words like "the". The. The. The. The. The. That's all they care about. Simple truly stupid things like the. Yet they're the same as us. That's all we should care about. The...

1. The science fair is next week.
2. The the the the the the the.
3. Life is the.

by ??? Chungus August 31, 2022


A ten inch long hot dog, no homo.

I just ate a huge slizzie with ketchup.

by ??? Chungus August 31, 2022

2👍 1👎


(Verb): The act of urinating within 3 meters of a horse.
(Noun): A video game cartridge with exactly 3952 grains of sand on it.

(Verb): I just took a really big zxrxlz.
(Noun): My zxrxlz is really rare.

by ??? Chungus August 31, 2022


Slizzie's long lost cousin.

The act of eating a ten inch hot dog without chewing, yes homo.

I'm so gay. I keep doing a sluzzie, and I can't stop. I think I need medical help.

by ??? Chungus August 31, 2022

Sussy Baka

You're a cringe middle schooler that looked this up for the memes.

You're cringe sussy baka

by ??? Chungus September 6, 2022

I want to play a game.

Used when one wants to initiate in a board game with another. More commonly used with family/friends.

Victim: Parcheesi or Scrabble?

by ??? Chungus October 11, 2023