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A word used to discribe someone with the name Ariana as being happy and takes the two words happy and Ariana to form Happiana. Although happiana can be used for anyone named Ariana, this is mainly used by Arianators on social media to describe when Ariana Grande is happy.

Arianator: “omg look at Ariana Grande she looks so happy! Happiana is my fav”

Jack: “Aw look at Ariana she looks so happy in her new dress.”
Jill: “Yeah she looks so happiana.”

by @NoTearsJD on twitter July 5, 2018

And what about it?

A phrase made famous by Ariana Grande meaning why should I care? Also another way of saying “so what?” The gif of Ariana saying this has become a wide spread meme on twitter.

Paparazzi: “Ariana look at me. Ariana you’re not looking. ARIANA LOOK UP!”
Ariana: “And what about it?” *walks off*

Derek: “Why do you like Ariana Grande so much? She’s such a bitch!”
Avery: “And what about it?”

Patrick: “Damnit Karen you have a meeting in 10 minutes and you look terrible!”
Karen: “And what about it?”

by @NoTearsJD on twitter July 5, 2018

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