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A person, man or woman, who possesses inherent qualities of an unrelenting or unwaivering ideology, often baseless and of strong conviction.

Person 1: I told Johnny he was wrong about the Earth being flat, but he's too headstrong to listen to reason.
Person 2: Yeah, that guy's a dumbass.

by 🐺 August 21, 2017

90👍 10👎


A slang word for Federal Agents or for those employed by the Federal Government.

Juan was minding his own business, when the Federales came and ruined his day.

by 🐺 April 27, 2019

53👍 1👎


A slang word for large breasts, tits, jugs, etc.

Also known as a premium American porn website, Brazzers.com.

Look at the brazzers on that chick!

by 🐺 November 11, 2018

95👍 23👎


Short for butt-fucked, boofed is usually expressed as a verb in the past-tense participle, related to consuming drugs or alcohol through one's anus.

To "boof" something can also be synonymous with stealing that item (often by putting it down ones pants), depending on the context of the situation.

Bobby: Bro, I totally boofed 3 beers in my asshole last night!

Jim: Dude, that's the gayest thing I've ever heard

Bobby: No man, boofing is rad. My girlfriend boofed an entire gram of MDMA last night and she was lit.

by 🐺 November 23, 2018

58👍 16👎


Noun:/ kærín
A Karen, historically known as a Nancy, is a pejorative term used for any 29 - 55 year old middle to upper-middle class white woman. A Karen will go out of her way to impose their belief structures on any unwitting or unsuspecting individual, once broken off from their pack and cornered a Karen will publicly berate the victim, possibly involving an authority figure if the victim is of minority decent.

...Karen then yielded her most powerful tool, her iPhone 10, pounding the screen vigorously and slamming it to her ear.

"Um, hello? Can I speak with the manager!??"
"Yes ma'am, I'm the manager."
"What the hell kind of place are you running here! I'm currently in the drive thru lane, and I've been waiting here for 15 minutes!! Do you think that's acceptable?"
" We apologise ma'am, your meal is free."

by 🐺 February 15, 2021

260👍 206👎

On Rail

On-rail ~ Adjective

A repeatable action or outcome which is guided by a strict, predictable process.

This is an on rail project, following a repeatable set of steps.

by 🐺 July 5, 2022


Short for "Got em" or "Gotcha", used to express a shortlived victory or success after bamboozling someone.

Son: Yo dad, did something come in the mail today?
Dad: No, what?
Son: Deeze nuts!
Dad: *Silence*
Son: Gottee!

by 🐺 October 6, 2018

46👍 3👎