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A girl who is insanely crazy but loving and kind. She cares about other people and will listen to anything you have to say. She’s beautiful and artistic and could be loud and scary when she’s mad so don’t get on her bad side cause she may fight you.

Even though she’s been through some shit she still keeps a wide smile on her face. She can be weird but it makes her hilarious. Everyone loves her and being around her. She’s the going out kinda type of girl. Nighttime activitities amuse her the most. She’s active and outgoing someone who is a precious likes to do things on there own and always be there for other people but not really for them self. She’s a traveler and likes to explore new surroundings by her self or with friends. If you know a precious keep that girl in your life cause she’ll change it for the better

by I love precious! October 5, 2018

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