Source Code

wimp out

To back out of something in an especially weak and wimpish manner.

Guy1: "Hey, yo' still coming to the pub tonight? We'll do a gallon and then have a curry!"
Guy2: "I can't now, I've got some letters to write and then I have to wash my hair."
Guy1: "That is a total wimp out bro."

by Pedrosa von Beagle April 7, 2006

222πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


The feeling of sudden shock when you discover that your bank account is empty because your personal details which were lost by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs were then used for identity theft. Courtesy of the Rt. Hon Alistair Darling et al.

- "Arrrgh! Where did all our $*!@$%@ money go?!?!"
- "You know when you've been Darlinged!"

by Pedrosa von Beagle November 22, 2007

113πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

pop a socket

The result of over-enthusiastic weight training or body-building. When you just had to do that extra rep at 250 pounds but should have known better, and pop your shoulder out of its socket as a result.

Jason: "No. I'm OK! I can do one more rep!"
Pete: "Jason, that's 36 stone you're pressing!
Jason: "I'm OK! I can do it. Hnnnnnggghhhhahhhhrrrgggg!"
Pete: "What ? What's the matter???!!!!??"
Jason: "Sheeee-it! My shoulders!"
Pete: "That's the way to pop a socket!"

by Pedrosa von Beagle September 8, 2006

202πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Zimmer Jockey

A person of age who requires the use of a walking frame to get around, bless them.

A Zimmer Jockey includes great-grannies and grandads. It's great to watch a multi-rider race when the tea-trolley arrives. It's 2 Fast 2 Furious but in slow motion, without the wheels and speed. Lester Piggott may one day be the greatest zimmer jocky of all time.

by Pedrosa von Beagle February 15, 2009

51πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An imaginary device that measures how truly dire something is.

Guy1: "Get a load of my new Hawaian shirt - it rocks!"
Guy2: "Sorry dude, it's a ten on the tossometer."

by Pedrosa von Beagle April 7, 2006

411πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž


An imaginary device that measures how truly dire something is.

Guy1: "Get a load of my new Hawaian shirt - it rocks!"
Guy2: "Sorry dude, it's a ten on the tossometer."

by Pedrosa von Beagle April 26, 2006

5πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


An imaginary device that measures how truly dire something is.

Guy1: "Get a load of my new Hawaian shirt - it rocks!"
Guy2: "Sorry dude, it's a ten on the tossometer."

by Pedrosa von Beagle April 26, 2006

4πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž