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She is the best person on earth you want to be friends with here even though she is crazy funny but she is over all amazing she is smart talented and pretty

Hey jordyn come here

by Secret admirer April 24, 2020

2👍 1👎

dirty jisela

A Dirty Jisela is when you are at dance and doing a ballerina spin and you need to fart so you put your hand in your pants by your butt to cover the sound but it makes it louder

Ashely-I was in dance and pulled a dirty Jisela

Britney- eww that is gross I think I Heard it

by Secret admirer April 17, 2020

2👍 1👎

dirty jisela

A Dirty Jisela is when you are at dance and doing a ballerina spin and you need to fart so you put your hand in your pants by your butt to cover the sound but it makes it louder

Ashely-I was in dance and pulled a dirty Jisela

Britney- eww that is gross I think I Heard it

by Secret admirer April 17, 2020

1👍 2👎

Dirty hector

A dirty hector is when you are at school and you need to shit but your teacher won’t let you so you stand on here desk and take your shit

Person- I pulled a dirty hector

Bro- I am proud of you keep it up

by Secret admirer April 17, 2020

17👍 4👎

Dirty Hector

A dirty hector is when you are on the couch playing x box for hours and your girlfriend text you and you ignore her and she ends up at your house with a knife

Braydon- my girl pulled a dirty hector

Landon- that is scary bro

by Secret admirer April 17, 2020

1👍 6👎


Macdonald is a fast food restaurant that has fatty food you can gain 20 pounds by one burger

Brittney- lets go to McDonald’s

Bob- ok I am down

by Secret admirer April 17, 2020

Carol Baskin

Carol Baskin killed her husband whacked him can’t convince me that it didn’t happen feed I’m to Tigers they snacking what happened Carol Baskin

When you are on TikTok and brake in to song singing carol Baskin

by Secret admirer April 17, 2020

24👍 3👎