Source Code


Usually an Asian or Caucasian who trys to act black and or gangster but in reality is scared of both and will never do anything gangster life in his or her poserish life EVER.

Wanksters Chang and William were walking down the sidewalk with puffy sky blue roca jackets when two african american men dressed in a professional manner encountered them as the wanksters looked around nervously than walked passed each other while the black men just laughed.

by 0mG U 1Os3R I knoW u HacK August 10, 2004

40👍 61👎


An online multiplayer game that is addictive as crack to the average nerd.

My friend Joseph likes counter-strike more than women because he has no life.

by 0mG U 1Os3R I knoW u HacK August 10, 2004

783👍 291👎

Chinese Food

Delicious food that makes you hungry 30 minutes later just so you can enjoy more until you have a heart attack and die. (Best way to die)

The autopsy revealed the cause of death was too much of Mr.Chang's chinese food.

by 0mG U 1Os3R I knoW u HacK August 10, 2004

743👍 249👎