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gay boyfriend

To clarify, the term "boyfriend" refers to a guy you are incredibly interested in; he doesn't have to be official or even realize that you call him this. He becomes a "gay boyfriend" if he's not down with you. (Because obviously, if he's not interested... he's clearly gay. )

Dude I've been tryin to kick it with my gay boyfriend for days now...but for some reason he keeps blowing me off. He must be gay.

by A Team from the B-Teens December 17, 2009

22👍 19👎


Niki refers to those specific females who are specifically admired by their teachers. Although this may refer to academic excellence, it ALWAYS pertains to a sexual attractiveness. In other words, teachers are always down with a Niki.

Damn, all the teachers have been hittin that; even the bomb math prof. I'm so jealous of Niki.

by A Team from the B-Teens December 31, 2010

180👍 109👎