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The belief that humanity are not in the middle of the whole universe.

OMG WHY THE TABLE DOES JANSEN BELIEVE IN Aquilisticallicionastiponistiffullistationismicapostianistalponacumulationicapplableationandisticallism

by A man whose fallen off Gadzoop December 26, 2022

Gregs Ex Wife Cult

A term used to describe people who have an attraction towards hot, fat, and beautiful 50 year old women

Jansen is too hot and is in the gregs ex wife cult.

by A man whose fallen off Gadzoop December 26, 2022


A term used to describe the most random things that are also hot like Jansen 🥵

Jansen is so Polychronistricaltistrainicalationic like its honestly unapologetic!

by A man whose fallen off Gadzoop December 26, 2022