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Rat Dog

n. hot frankfurter (of unknown origin), wrapped in bacon, eaten in a long roll with grilled onions and peppers at 2:00am after the club.

The profiteers of these rather disgusting snacks set up outside of Los Angeles clubs, waiting for drunk patrons. They are notorious for cheating wasted customers of their change.

"Yo bitch, gimme my change...I ain't paying $10 for dis fucking rat dog!"

by AA Factory June 11, 2005

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1. The vomit that hurts your throat when you eat spicy junk food loaded with peppers, onions, and other various hot spices.

2. The vomit that scrapes your throat when you throw up partially, or half-eaten food.

1. Kirk totally experienced a hurt-barf after scarfing his jalapeno pizza and chili-cheese fries.

2. That baguette and tequila shots fucked me up; the baguette crust came up in a hurt-barf.

by AA Factory February 8, 2008

8👍 1👎


A person who is overly excited about a particular situation. More than stoked, super stoked.

“Dude, I had sex last night…WITH A GIRL!!”

“Casey, dude, you’re a superstoker.”

by AA Factory February 8, 2008

7👍 1👎

corpse balls

n. the condition in which a man's testicular scent is remniscent of a rotting corpse.
This condition occurs when a man cannot or does not wash throughly for an extended amount of time. The situation is accelerated by exersise or physical activity. Persperation drys upon persperation, and the result is corpse balls.

"Dude, my water got shut off, and I haven't showered in weeks; I've kept jogging everymorning, but everytime I take a piss I've noticed that I have the worst case of corpse balls ever."

by AA Factory August 17, 2006

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K town

Korea Town.
Term commonly used in many metropolitan cities.

"Where did you get that cheap ass shit?"
"Fucking K town man."

by AA Factory June 27, 2005

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A sweet abbreviation for “obviously not.”

"That bitch thinks she got it going on..."

by AA Factory April 16, 2008

6👍 1👎