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Devious Lick

Stealing or damaging an object from school with the hopes of getting views of TikTok.

“Did you see this Devious Lick?”
“Is that the one where he stole a soap dispenser?”

by Abby From Wii Sports September 15, 2021


an iconic tiktok troll who fooled people into believing they went to jail. throughout their career they have gotten into fights with 50 cent, a police officer, a horse girl, a disabled man, and the hate pages they have received.

did you see sillybussyshart’s newest video? they are so funny!

by Abby From Wii Sports July 23, 2022


A large drum that comes in numerous sizes, and can be tuned. It also is the highest paid instrument in an orchestra.

Can you make sure that the timpani is tuned at a B flat?

by Abby From Wii Sports April 24, 2021


A group of different instruments, usually in band, that make up background/non central noises within the piece.

Hey, since you are in percussion, do you want to play the drums, maracas, keyboard, or tambourine?

by Abby From Wii Sports April 24, 2021

4👍 2👎


Being poked/stabbed with a sharp material.

When I got my vaccine, I was jabbed in the arm.

by Abby From Wii Sports April 24, 2021