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Something which may appear to be true at first glance, but upon later examination could very well turn out to be complete bullshit. Man landing on the moon? Possible frock moonwalk. JFK getting shot by Lee Harvey Oswald? Possible frock assassination. A bunch of sly Arabs flying two planes into the World Trade Center? Possible frock national tragedy. Ruben Studdard winning the second edition of American Idol over international sex symbol and world-class crooner Clay Aiken? DEFINITELY frock reality show singing contest fan voting.

Mike Fatcessa says play a 28 game season or whatever amount of games for seeding purposes. Then, have EVERY TEAM compete in a tournament for the Stanley Cup. This helps revenues, too.

Main Plus: Revenues
Main Fault: Possible frock champ

by Absolutely not Clay Aiken August 10, 2009

52👍 32👎