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a person who purposefully farts in a crowd to enjoy the commotion it causes.

Dude, your homeboy is a straight

potty-terrorist. He farted the entire flight to Hawaii and just sat there innocently enjoying the mayhem he created. People were confused and pissed.

by Ace Fantagious May 18, 2021


any opiate based medications prescribed for pain that makes you feel warm and content.

My buddy, Doug, called me today sounding very sentimental and relaxed. It turns out he had just been to the dentist and ol’ boy gave him a ‘script for twenty cozies with one refill.

by Ace Fantagious May 25, 2021


penince (pen - nince)
a cooler way to refer to a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water.

I say we all go to Becky’s house. It’s just 20 minutes south of S.F. on the Penince.

by Ace Fantagious June 18, 2020

4👍 1👎



\ ˈjak ˈrət \

An ongoing masturbation spell that has negative effects on the life of the one caught in the spell

“Hey bro, i think Cody’s in a bit of a jack-rut; he hasn’t been at work in 3 days and he hasn’t been returning my calls. i drove by his apartment like an hour ago to discover his bedroom window had a blanket hanging in it.”

“To keep out the light?”

“I’m thinking it’s to keep people from peeking through the blinds to see just how far his jack-rut has spiraled.”


by Ace Fantagious September 3, 2021

geek punched

Becoming embarrassed for something or someone to whom you are not connected.

When the woman fell and dropped her groceries, I got totally geek punched.

by Ace Fantagious October 1, 2017