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1) Noun. A reptilian sea creature that has no legs and instead seeks with its two legs and a tail. Some are wild, some are kept as pets, and some are eaten as food.
2) Verb. The process of catching fish. Sometimes used indirectly as a synonym for searching for something.

Some people eat fish raw and call it sushi.

by Achromatic Chameleon June 9, 2018

Pumpkin Pie

A pie that usually contains or appears to contain pumpkin ingredients. It is often associated with Thanksgiving.

Can someone please pass me the pumpkin pie?

by Achromatic Chameleon June 9, 2018


1) Noun. A fictional being that is dead but still exists in a gaseous form. Usually associated with haunting people and Halloween.
2) Verb. To shorten a musical note and/or play it softer than the notes around it in order to take emphasis away from the note.

It is rumored that old Jimmy still haunts this place as a ghost.

by Achromatic Chameleon June 9, 2018


Usually a young American that is overly obsessed with Japanese culture. They are always watching anime, reading manga, dressing up like their favorite Japanese characters, and speaking poor Japanese.

They often incorporate Japanese words into their English sentences even when it makes no sense.

Most people do not enjoy the company of these people and talk bad about them behind their backs.

"What does こんにちは even mean?"
"I don't know, ask your weaboo friends."

by Achromatic Chameleon May 2, 2018


The Saxophone, often abbreviated as just Sax, is a hybrid woodwind instrument invented by Adolf Sax in the 1800s. The highest is the sopranino saxophone, descending down through soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, contrabass, and subcontrabass. Saxophones are considered as one of the sexiest instruments in the band if not the most. Saxophone players tend to be male, and are typically disliked by upper woodwind players, and favored by brass players. The Saxophone is most famous for its use in jazz music.

Johnny is so chill, he plays the barri saxophone!

by Achromatic Chameleon May 2, 2018