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kc and the sunshine band

1. Used when talking about a white person who is like, acting, or pretending to be black. In reference to a 1970s soul band who's main singer, KC, was white.

2. An awesome 1970s soul band.

1. Andre: "Did you see that kid eat all of that watermelon?"
LaFanduh: "I know. That white boy was totally KC and the Sunshine Band."

by Acorn Man July 1, 2015

2👍 2👎

starter castle

A large house or mansion where a young person (not yet moved out) lives with their parents. If someone lives in a "starter castle", they are usually from a wealthy family and are privileged. This "starter castle" is just a little beginner mansion for this young person who will undoubtedly be wealthy later in life.

Johnny: "Sam, did you see how big Sarah's house is?!"
Sam: "I know, right? Total starter castle."

by Acorn Man June 23, 2015

2👍 1👎

How Do

A way to say that you are baffled or incapable of understanding something. Simmilar to "I can't even."

Johnny: "And then you just add these small details, and you've got a masterpiece drawing of a horse."
Billy: "Woah, wait, how do?"

by Acorn Man June 3, 2015

9👍 18👎