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An African-American person, usually male. "Feo" is a bastardization of the name "Theo."

There's a feo over there and he looks mean, don't fuck with him.

AYE FEO! (A greeting)

by Adam C. July 11, 2003

29👍 169👎


Slang for LSD (d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide). It is a shortened form of "acid."

Hey man got any 'cid?

by Adam C. July 11, 2003

580👍 115👎

hiroshima chadwick

1.an extremely gay asian who doesn't take showers
2. small eyes so they cant see very well, well he doesn't have to because he doesn't have a cock anyway

hey hiroshima after your done cleaning my floors with bamboo go make me some shoes you dirty bastard

by Adam C. May 23, 2003

4👍 9👎