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alt-right trolls

The term "Alt-right troll" can be used to dismiss any critisism by saying it is a harrasment campaign comes from alt-right trolls.
Despite what common sense might make you believe, alt-right doesn't mean the person in question is a member of the alternative right, they simply a sexist homophobic transphobic cisnormative misogynistic nazi fuckface who dares share an opinion different to your own and therefore should be silenced. Furthermore by classing someone as an alt-right troll everything they say will automatically become invalid and can therefore simply be ignored. Litterally any critisism, no matter how valid, can easily be dismissed by using this term so you can go back to being a happy, delicate little snowflake gently flying through the wind.

Amy: Alt-right trolls are harrassing me and writing negative reviews of my movie.
Ben: Are you sure it's not just ordinary people that just disliked the movie and therefore wrote a negative review?
Amy: No it is definitely alt-right trolls that want to silence me because everything I do is perfect.

by Addict Ninja March 20, 2017

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