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Lazy Senior

A spoiled senior in high school, who thinks he/she can sit on his/her ass the whole second semester. They also love to ditch school and cut class and make the whole senior year a year to party and drink and shit like that because they are fucking losers who think their grades don't count anymore after junior year. Not all seniors have this attitude though.

Lazy Senior: Hey, want to skip class to chill and party?
Hard Working Senior: Nope. I have a test and I'm trying to raise my grade in Chemistry.
Lazy Senior: Whatever, you're no fun man.
Hard working senior: Well, just keep sitting on your lazy ass and just turn into a huge loser if thats what you want.

by AdomC March 7, 2015

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A fucking stupid project that high schools love to give out to torture spoiled teenagers. Well, you also have to do this shit in some high academic colleges too.

Pen kid: Hey man let's chill for the next couple months together.
PV kid: Nah, I have to do this fucking Capstone Project which instead wastes time and takes several months to finish.

by AdomC March 6, 2015

39πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The ghetto place where all the Los Angeles food snobs go to. About seventy five percent of the people here are Mexican, black and Samoan and are fat blobs just like the blob in the movie "X-Men Origins Wolverine". It has all the fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Jack in the Box, Wendy's and more. So if you are a big junk food addict then come to Carson.

Guy 1: Hey bro, I'm hungry where do ya wanta eat?
Guy 2: Yo, lets go to a restaurant in Carson where we both can eat some fries and a juicy ass burger.
Guy 1: Hell yeah!!! Lets go!!!

by AdomC May 4, 2015

17πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A philosopher who invented subjects that are making students in high school and college work their asses off and suffer like slaves.

Someone needs to invent a time machine to punish Aristotle by spanking his ass.

by AdomC May 7, 2016

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The reason why my ass suffered in Geometry and Algebra!

If I could get revenge on Aristotle I would invent a time machine and spank him a hundred times to get even!

by AdomC May 7, 2016

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Stupid rules

Boundaries made by stupid fucking teachers or leaders who think the wrong things all the time and want to fuck up your life.

Coach: What were you doing in the locker room?
Guy: I was getting changed.
Coach: Nah, you were talking and wasting your fucking time. You're suspended from changing in the locker room for two weeks.
Guy: You know what, you're a stupid coach who makes stupid rules, you fucking dumbass.

by AdomC March 8, 2015

Rick Rubin

A Jewish rapper with a long beard and is in Eminem's music video Berzerk and is right next to him in the video. BTW I'm Jewish too and our rappers aren't as famous as black rappers for some reason.

Eminem: Kick your shoes off, let your hair down...
Rick Rubin: And go berzerk!!!

by AdomC April 11, 2015

18πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž