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The little piece of shit that you can’t push out.

Oh god oh fuck I can’t leave the toilet there’s a shitmori

by AdventurousPineapple July 28, 2020

5👍 1👎


A Karen is an annoying middle aged woman most commonly with blonde hair in a haircut you see in the gif bellow. Karens think that they are always inconvenienced by everything but really they are the annoyance and inconvenience and the pain in the ass you just want to run over with your car. The most common place you will find them is either in Walmart fighting over toilet paper that they don’t need, or in Walmart, yelling at the manager for something the Karen did herself. Karen’s are usually trump supporters and are usually anti-vaxx and they think that essential oils cure cancer. They believe every conspiracy theory they heard on Facebook and other sketchy websites thinking everyone around them is stupid, not unlike Kevin Malone.

Karen’s are the human equivalent of getting caught on literally every red light in town. Fuck you, Karen.

by AdventurousPineapple July 28, 2020

4👍 18👎


The word the is the most common way to describe the, because the is the best way to describe the, because the is best described by the word the, which is a good way to describe the.

Oh ma gawd the is so good the the the

by AdventurousPineapple July 28, 2020

22👍 2👎


Emma’s are the basic girls who think they are quirky when they say they don’t like country music. Nuff said.

Emma loved hanging out with Samantha

by AdventurousPineapple July 28, 2020

4👍 1👎

Urban Dictionary

A definition website that used to be serious but is now a bunch of third graders looking up sex.

I can’t believe Urban Dictionary was meant to be serious

by AdventurousPineapple July 28, 2020

Kevin Malone

The common misspelling of mevin kalone. Mevin is the only non fiction character in the show called The Office. He is the smartest and most handsome character and easily outshines his peers.

Oh. My. God. Brittany I got a date with KEVIN MALONE (mevin kalone)

by AdventurousPineapple July 29, 2020

2👍 2👎


The fear of making up words

Guy#1: hey dude wanna join the making up words club?
Guy#2: oh hell nah, man I have Fleemoboutroophonolosowafreskinisbydrocondroyeeroutumophobia

by AdventurousPineapple July 29, 2020

3👍 1👎