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Gema Tanzen

A 1995 techno track by Mo-Do (1966-2013) about raving and partying together.

Have you listened to 'Gema Tanzen'?

I'm high as fuck right now, what'd you say?

by Alamkan Countryball June 1, 2023

Ted Stevens

Theodore F. Stevens, referred to affectionately by Alaskans as "Uncle Ted", was a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Alaska, serving from December 24th 1968, to January 3rd, 2009. He was formerly the longest serving Republican U.S. Senator in history, as well as currently being the most senior U.S. Senator to lose re-election. He is famous for his Series of Tubes quote, which brought him wide-spread ridicule on the Internet, namely the blogo-sphere. He was very successful in developing Alaska, with Alaskans nicknaming federal dollars brought to the state for it's development "Stevens money". He died on August 9th, 2010, in a plane crash that killed 5 and injured 4.

Ted Stevens said the Internet's a series of tubes.

He's Ted Stevens, he's always right.

by Alamkan Countryball January 8, 2022