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Michael Jordan

The best in one's profession, vocation, or other activity; one whose talent far surpasses all others; inarguably the greatest of all time in a specific field. Frequently applied to athletes. Often hyperbole.

"Pat Kiernan is the Michael Jordan of newspaper reading."

"Roger Federer may prove to be the Michael Jordan of tennis."

"He was the self-proclaimed Michael Jordan of truck loaders."

Reinhold Messner = Michael Jordan of climbing.

Dr. Gary Becker = Michael Jordan of economics.

Art Thiel = Michael Jordan of Seattle sports writers.

Dr. Vaughn Starnes = Michael Jordan of children’s heart surgery.

Leszek Pawlowicz = Michael Jordan of game shows.

Marco Foyot = Michael Jordan of pétanque.

Michael Jordan = Michael Jordan of statistical learning theory.

by Ali La Pointe March 20, 2006

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