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1. To be motivated to wake up and do everyday tasks only after smoking mota, or what others know as marijuana.

1. I have to smoke a bowl, and then maybe i'll be motavated to do the dishes.

by Amanda Nicole Romanach June 28, 2008

28πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. To be infected with Corona

"Cover your mouth; I'm gonna get coroninated!"

by Amanda Nicole Romanach April 10, 2020


1. The point in time between when one should've gone to sleep and when one's alarm clock is about to go off to start the day.
2. When one is amazed by another person and loses time realizing they're real by way of their appearance, expression of words, or personality
3. The state of coming down from any drug and realizing you're about to be yourself again
4. The place in your mind where random thoughts become goals.

1. "Man we were out so late that i didn't realize we were in the dazery."
2. "She looked at him and saw she had fallen into a dazery."
3. "I think the dazery has hit---my mind is back to normal."
4. "You know I just saw this little girl playing by herself, and I think maybe, in my dazery, I've discovered I want to become a child psychologist."

by Amanda Nicole Romanach December 22, 2006

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. Censored way for everyone to say bullshit.

1. I say, bullshidooky when I'm around my parents.

by Amanda Nicole Romanach November 2, 2017


a temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgment brought on by drinking alcohol and becoming drunk.

"I don't remember cussing my ex out. Must have been an alcolapse."

by Amanda Nicole Romanach July 10, 2015

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1. A guy who's heart is captured by the same girl always yet lives his life as if she didn't exist when she's not around.
2. Term for the best guy friend conversationalist. Someone you can vent to an actually get feedback and opinions.
3. A reliable "lean on me" kinda friend

1. "God, he's really in denial about that girl---he's acting like a Brian."
2. She thanked him for listening and named him her Brian.
3. "You've been such a Brian to me since I met you. Thanks for always being there for me."

by Amanda Nicole Romanach January 23, 2007

5110πŸ‘ 3039πŸ‘Ž

Conversational Remorse

The feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all things you should have said, witty, wise or informative.

Man i totally should have told her what not to do in her current situation. Im overhelmed by conversational remorse right now.

by Amanda Nicole Romanach October 20, 2015

7251πŸ‘ 3100πŸ‘Ž