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October 24

October 24 is the national give your bff your fav scrunchie and make sure it’s your fav so that they can tell that you really care about them

Girl: Juan it’s October 24 here is my fav scrunchie

Juan: thx

by And I ooooop skskskksks October 23, 2019


The teacher that tells you to get a life when you say skskskks

Girl: skskksk
Mrs.Murphey: get a life

by And I ooooop skskskksks October 23, 2019

Fre shava cado

It is a term used by children at age 5 when they can’t say fresh avocado sponsored by del taco

Child: mom can o have fre shava cado for lunch

by And I ooooop skskskksks October 22, 2019

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