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a word often used to replace randy

that rambunktious son of a bitch

by Andrew Brown November 24, 2003

5👍 5👎

There's no bacon

The best answer ever to any question starting with "What's wrong with"

Person 1: What's wrong with this picture?
Person 2: There's no bacon

Hilarity ensues

by Andrew Brown September 28, 2005

68👍 3👎


a politer way of saying shit eater

you poople-snapper

by Andrew Brown November 24, 2003


sexy lady from matrix trilogy

im niobe im sooooooo fit

by Andrew Brown November 24, 2003

25👍 20👎


used to signify a sense of happiness

"You've won the lottery"

by Andrew Brown November 24, 2003

25👍 53👎