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Yahoo Answers

A shitty, fucked up website that everyone should complain to other internet corporations (such as Google or MSN) because Yahoo Answers deactivates entire Yahoo accounts based on the petty and foolish reports from other users they receive when using Yahoo Answers. There are a number of shitheads on Yahoo Answers that report people for reasons such as "use of curse words", "disagreed with the question!", "wasn't enough of a question! Too much of a rant!" Basically anyone who decides to report others on the website fits into a category of a shitheaded rat and when you make complaints out about it Yahoo Answers always rejects them because their too lazy to really look into the situation to find out how petty it actually is and just agrees with their silly reporters, making the people who run Yahoo Answers just as fucked up
2. Any completely messed up website that everyone should immediately make out a complaint about to another corporation and requests other corporations to create a replacement competitor to it

After using Yahoo Answers for my first time today, my Yahoo account I've had for fifteen years was deleted. I lost contact with the woman of my dreams and had no way of contacting a new job I had been hired to.

I'm going to go swarm Google, MSN, AOL, Askjeeves, etc., and every other internet search engine with a bunch of complaints about Yahoo and Yahoo Answers for the crap I received from them, deleting my account because a bunch of animal loving extremist thought I was being out of line when I spoke of how I put my dog in her crate whenever she does something wrong.

When Yahoo Answers deleted my brother's account WITHOUT WARNING after some stupid violation notices for use of the word "vagina" and "penis" in one of his questions and refused to reactivate it after e-mailing back and forth 30 or 40 times, I personally made out a complaint to Google to get rid of that shit and create something better.

I ended up getting an account with a different network once I found out Yahoo perpetuates the use of nonsense reporting by unwarranted deactivation of accounts, deletion of questions and answers and refusal to behave logically and reactivate them once they receive complaints about it.

Yahoo Answers should just be like Youtube and allow EVERYONE to vote a "thumbs down" or "thumbs up" for an answer, without allowing them to behave like children and run to the owners like children and tattle-tale because it's childish.

The idiots in charge of Yahoo Answers don't know enough to have a section called "Sexual Orientation". Rather they have a section called "LGBT" which throws everything off as "Transgendered People" have nothing to do with sexual orientation, serving only to perpetuate stereotypes about gay men.

by Andy Corvatte April 25, 2008

710👍 251👎

Time Warner Cable

Any service every customer of should immediately quit using and swarm their headquarters with complaints about because the company's retarded decision-makers decide to take a step backward for more monetary gain. This step backward invovles replacing their original DVR system with a crappy-ass version that causes so many inconveniences it's impossible to count. Too concerned with their monetary gain, dipshits owners of the company will not act on the complaints they receive and revert back to the old one, rather they sit on their asses and look on while their customers are totally pissed off by their bullshit
3. Any unreasonable, foolish service or corporation that every customer of should quit using and make out complaints against because they care about their personal gain more than the satisfaction of their customers and service

Time Warner Cable's switching people over to their new shitty cable system has led to me hearing of complaints all across the board from various radio stations and the like, such as DVR wouldn't tape the same things and I missed a lot of the shows I had set to automatically recorded; the bar remains at the bottom of the screen for far too long and throughout pause; rewinding and fastforwarding on the new DVR box is really fucked up because it doesn't stop where you stop it at, the new box has lost a lot of options and features it used to have; the box keeps shutting off and rebooting at frequent random moments; things you have set to automatically record keep being undone and you have to go back and reset them; trying to tape a couple days in advance takes for ever because of the box's slow speed and doesn't even go as far in advance as the old one, etc.

When Time Warner Cable switched us over to the new fucked up version of DVR they provide, I gently picked up the Time Warner Cable box, dusted it off, shined it up, rubbed it softly, then smashed it with my hammer and tossed it into the fireplace to a loud clapping ovation from all the people in the sitting room in the doctor's office.

When the restaurant wouldn't give me my money back for the hair and toenails I found buried in my steak, I shouted "WHAT KIND OF SMELLY TIME WARNER CABLE SHIT ARE YOU RUNNING HERE?!"

Punched some geek named Robert Ullman in the face for turning the McDonalds up the street into a Time Warner Cable McDonalds.

That new store up the street is a total Time Warner Cable. They raised prices on everything and won't bring them down and now I refuse to go there.

by Andy Corvatte April 25, 2008

139👍 32👎