Source Code


Means boy in Japanese, alternate spelling of shonen.

Shinji Ikari is a shounen.

by Anime Guy October 5, 2004

100👍 23👎


Means boy in Japanese. Often used to describe anime and manga.

I got my issue of Shonen Jump.

by Anime Guy October 5, 2004

77👍 54👎

adult swim

A block of shows on Cartoon Network that are rated PG or above. A great block to watch if you're tired of cartoons for kids.

Adult Swim is my favorite block of programming on CN and I tape all the new stuff.

by Anime Guy May 1, 2004

390👍 242👎

The Legend of Black Heaven

An anime currently airing on International Channel about Oji Tanaka, a businessman with a wife and son. He was the leader of short-lived rock band, Black Heaven, fifteen years ago. He still yearns to play his Flying V guitar like he did fifteen years ago.

The Legend of Black Heaven has a great soundtrack and a great story.

The Legend of Black Heaven my favorite International Channel anime. Watch it if you get IC.

by Anime Guy May 1, 2004

18👍 5👎


A word that means not right, under any circumstance, literally or opinionated.

I have a poster of Kagome on my wall, and every night I charge up my Tetsusaiga, and Windscar all over her face.-THE_SPOON, adultswim.com forums

by Anime Guy May 8, 2004

82👍 32👎