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MAGAt--a mindless devotee of a Donald J Trump

Trump's legal team has provided no evidence of voter fraud, but those MAGAts still think he really won the election!

by Ann Tetum December 3, 2020

306👍 215👎

Potomac brown trout

a reference to the presence of raw sewage in much of the Potomac River.

Washing our dishes in the river on that camp out wasn't a good idea. With all those Potomac brown trout, we could end up getting hepatitis!

by Ann Tetum December 2, 2010


1) The more appropriate last name for Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville
2) A U.S. Senator elected primarily because of a: name recognition based on a college football coaching career and b: the support of disgraced (then) President Donald Trump
3) A Senator whose major "accopmplishment" is obstructing the process of Senate approval for qualified candidates to fill essential military leadership positions
4) an fitting slogan for an entire state that allows itself to be represented by such a fool (eg, "Alabama--the Gooberville state"

a: It's an outrage enator Tommy Gooberville is still compromising America's national security by allowing the Chief positions of each branch of tge U.S. military to remain unfilled"
b: "I know--it's too bad that the entire state of Alabama is such a Gooberville that most oh his voters don't even care"

by Ann Tetum August 14, 2023

6👍 1👎