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A spicy food
Something with a high temperature

I'm hotter than you'll ever be.

by Anonymouse🐀 December 16, 2018

12👍 5👎


Someone that tells you to stop doing something, when they are doing it themselves.

Real example someone said to me (not to be funny): "I don't know what the b-word is, because I was raised in a pure household, you biiiiiiiiitch.

by Anonymouse🐀 December 17, 2018

16👍 2👎

Dick Crapper

The name you give your child if you hate him.

Teacher looks at class list
Molly Smith
Sam Jones
Abby Johnson
Bob Nguyen
Dick Crapper

by Anonymouse🐀 December 16, 2018


My brother is mad. He is mad that his definitions on urban dictionary got rejected.
I'm writing this to piss him off.

My bro is mad. It is funny.

by Anonymouse🐀 December 16, 2018

139👍 23👎