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A lazy, controlling police state.

No free speech exists, you can be threatened with arrest for making fun of mugshots.
You're TOLD not to say anything offensive to scum who threw a cat into a reservoir.

You can be insulted & threatened online by morons from another country,

but if you return words, you break a law called "Malicious Communications".

Then you're arrested & punished, even just by calling someone a cunt. Whoever posted the

definition of that law on here got it spot on, "soon be illegal to boo someone in the street"

it already happened. People got arrested for what basically amounts to booing the new king.

Flats pop up everywhere with druggies, yobs & foreign gang members.
Teens harass people in the street, police just relocate them. Can't they be useful? Oh I'm sorry, they're too busy taking golliwogs from windows, or arresting someone for hurting someone's feelings on the internet, exercising their sad little powers of bullshit.

People say fuck all day long, even in front of kids like a moron, making the word lose its impact, but offend someone with a racial slur (that only works one way) or say cunt, it's suddenly like you're a criminal.

Why don't you see police interview videos of these "Malicious Communications" arrests?
Because the country would look the utter shitshow that it really is!

Naysayer: What a load of hyperbolic nonsense.

Yes I'm sure Rowan Atkinson did a talk about freedom of speech all for nothing, easily findable on YouTube.

Any illusion of "free speech" or expression in Britain is gone when you discover it's controlled by authoritarian,
backwards Orwellian laws. Let's change all history to be snowflake friendly too.

Free speech covers all speech whether it's offensive to snowflakes or not.
The law should not be involved in such petty nonsense.

Britain is weak and pathetic. Overrun by outsiders that get free housing while our homeless starve,

backwards laws that only punish their own people, corrupt social services and police that let feral kids run rampant.

Imagine trying to compete with NK or Nazi Germany on a dictatorship level. Silencing people for using "bad words".

This is no joke, go lookup Rowan Atkinson's freedom of speech video.

You can't even include the words "free speech" etc, in your comments on some British YouTube news channels, because they often get shadow banned!

Don't forget that Britain cosies up to that murderous dictator, the clown prince of Saudi Arabia.

Britain also illegally invaded Iraq, weapons of mass destruction?.. Where?!
Then they invaded Afghanistan. And then they also ran away like cowards.
But insulting someone with offensive words..? NOPE, OFF TO JAIL!

F this pathetic backwards WOKE dump.

Rowan Atkinson knows how shitty the country is.

The great big circus known as Britain is happily marching towards total destruction of a free thinking, speaking, society.
George Orwell's 1984 was spot on.

Hang your heads in shame, corrupt tyrant leaders.

by Anti BS August 10, 2023

451👍 42👎


How can the majority of British people be happy living in this stinking shithole? Don't get me wrong, it has some nice scenery and not everyone is to blame, the problem is the utterly backwards leadership.

Why do British people put up with this stinking dump? The sea is infested with human shit, nearly everywhere you go stinks of drugs/weed, feral kids are freely destroying property or harassing people in the street, and you can't hurt somebody's feelings with insults over the internet, or you get arrested for breaking some completely asinine law called Malicious Communications.

Leaders/police can't be bothered to deal with physical crime, but they'll take you away for shooting someone in the heart with the words coming from your mouth or keyboard. Remember that everyone else is allowed to verbally abuse you online even from other countries but you're not allowed to say a word back.

Rowan Atkinson did a great video on Britain's "free speech" problem. Ricky Gervais has made his feelings clear on how pathetic Britain's laws are, and I'm pretty certain John Cleese feels the same way as well. All 3 are pretty intelligent & funny people.

Leaders: Lets allow tons of illegals into the country and eliminate freedom of speech and expression to make the jobs of the police easier.

Utterly backwards country. Destroying itself from the inside out, the word Orwellian comes to mind.
Fucking stupid dump.

by Anti BS September 3, 2023

44👍 13👎