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She is a bitch, but she can have her times when she is sweet. Kasandra is usually a blonde, average height, and bit loud. Kasandra can talk all day without stopping.

Person 1: Hey did you see Kasandra?
Person 2: How could I not? She has been talking to everyone all day.
Person 1: Well, and I oop sksksk

by Arikera October 26, 2019

13👍 15👎


Aubree is usually a blonde headed girl with blue eyes. Aubree is amazing! She gives the best advice and can support you in any way you need. Aubree can be a bit shy and can have a little bitch mood on her but she can be one of the best people you will have in your life. If you lose her you can and most likely lose a part of yourself.

I can not wait to see Aubree. She is one of the best people I could ever have!

by Arikera October 26, 2019

12👍 6👎