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Chase me because I'm light skin syndrome

A trait & behavior exhibited by light skin women who think just because they're light skin, they're superior & better than everyone else.
They often have inflated egos, stink attitudes, are very obnoxious & arrogant & have the personality of a brick wall. It is said you should avoid these women even if they're really good looking since it's not worth the stress & headache.

Mike: this light skin girl I'm talking expects me to run her down like I'm a dog

Marcus: she has chase me because I'm light skin syndrome. Ediat girl that, lock it off bro

by Arron j smith March 8, 2023

Dry Land Shark

A man who engages in oral sex with women. These men also have a tendency of eating ass and letting women squirt in their faces and mouths. They will do this with any woman regardless of relationship status e.g a friend, one night stand, side chick, mistress etc

This guy needs to go to the health clinic he’s been a dry land shark for ages.

No dry land shark can have chat for me. Go find Jesus.

by Arron j smith January 25, 2022

Dry Land Shark

A man who engages in oral sex with women. These men also have a tendency of eating ass & allowing women to squirt in their mouths & faces.
They will do these acts with any women weather it be a friend, one night stand, side chick, mistress, etc

This man needs to go clinic he's a proper dry land shark.

No dry land shark boy can have chat for me. Tell him to go find jesus.

by Arron j smith January 25, 2022

Wheres my hug guy

This refers to a man who lacks true confidence & the ability to talk to women. Similar to a gyal clown, these men are usually emotionally unstable & will do the most to try to impress or win a woman over even if it makes him look like a complete fool or a beg.

These men will also be quick to start problems or issues with another man because the women favor them instead of himself. Its like a child who throws a tantrum when it doesn't get what it wants.

Girl 1: whys this guy so catty and emotional he's a proper wheres my hug guy sis

Girl 2: yeah lock that off.

by Arron j smith December 24, 2021

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Wheres my hug guy

This refers to a man who lacks true confident & the ability to talk to women. Similar to a gyal clown, these men are usually emotionally unstable & will do the most to try to impress or win a woman over even if it makes him look like a complete fool or a beg.

These men will also be quick to start problems or issues with another man because the women favor them instead of himself. Its like a child who throws a tantrum when it doesn't get what it wants.

Girl 1: whys this guy so catty and emotional he's a proper wheres my hug guy sis

Girl 2: yeah lock that off

by Arron j smith December 24, 2021

10👍 10👎

Lenny Hype

Meaning any form of foolishness, stupidity or fuckry.

one common example of this is a person who goes to the club with a group of friends and gets everyone thrown out because they were drunk and decided to start a fight.

You guys need to stop the Lenny hype. You’re grown adults for fuck sake.

That girl brought Lenny hype to my birthday party I burnt the bitches bridge long time.

by Arron j smith September 6, 2021

Toum Toum To To

Slang word to describe a high value womans vagina.

Women with this type of vagina often have men giving them lots of attention and validation almost in a beggy type of manner. Women with vaginas like this are considered rare and put on a pedal stool.

This woman got me whipped I need some of the toum toum to to again bro.

by Arron j smith January 31, 2022