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A synonym to a mullet, Where BFPB stands for "Business in the Front, Party in the Back"

Guy 1: Yo, did you see that guy's cracked out BFPB???
Guy 2: Yea, i bet he drinks a lot of beer and goes huntin'

by Ayy Ro May 29, 2005

Brian Fellows

A character played by Tracy Morgan on SNL who's a retarded animal "expert" Just watch it

Yo did you see Brian Fellow's on saturday?? Shit was crazy!

by Ayy Ro May 28, 2005

40👍 5👎

wet soap dish

You're in the tub and there's jus a lil bit of water in there, your girl comes in and you go on top and she's slidin' like a wet soapdish

Yo you hear joey gave that girl a wet soap dish?

by Ayy Ro May 28, 2005


When a jewish girl looks so hot that you can't explain.

Guy1: Did you see that girl at temple??
Guy2: Yeaa bro, she was mad Jewtiful

by Ayy Ro May 31, 2005

34👍 9👎