Source Code

gum sitter

Great genitalia trick to be done while sitting down. This is accomplished when you sneak part of your sack out of your fly and hold it to the chair your sitting in. Then rise as much as you can while saying "awww man, looks like I sat in some gum."

Rebecca saw bill's nuts while he was doing the "gum sitter" for a couple of buddies.

by B*rad August 10, 2007

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

house cat

Person who likes to just hang out at home. Doesn't really like to get out.

Nah, I really don't get out. I'm just kind of a "house cat".

by B*rad August 10, 2007

99πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

flying uterus

The logo of the texas university whorns. Also a way of displaying ones gayness.

I thought that guy was about as cool as aids when I saw him making the sign of the "flying uterus" at the game.

by B*rad August 10, 2007

41πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Much like the dreaded Biotch the only difference is a He'iotch is a male. Hints the Spelling "HE" in He'iotch

Dude kept whining and complaining today about anything and everything like a little He'iotch

by B*rad July 9, 2015

sweet biscuit

Girl you'd like to get with.

I need a "sweet biscuit" to put on my platter,
I got a whole lotta gravy but,
no place to splatter.

by B*rad August 10, 2007

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


When a male grabs the lower portion of his scrotum with both hands, pulling it out and upward towards himself, leaving his cock sticking out like a "marsupial in the pouch". Ususally for the entertaiment of others.

The dinner party ended when john pulled down his pants and did the "marsupial".

by B*rad August 10, 2007

61πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A guy that at one time was gods favorite angel. Banished to hell, with no room for him and Lucifer, he is forced to live his days on Earth.

Typically a guy that can charm your mom or your girlfriend into what ever they want

Someone of many talents and skills typically used in getting his way or making his way in every situation.

That dude over there hes Drucifer, don't let your hot mom meet him... he just might become your new step dad

Person 1 - "Who's the new guy?"
Person 2 - "Oh that's Drucifer, every one knows him!"

by B*rad January 5, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž