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Bucket squad

Certain group of crack heads from Cessnock nsw Australia. That are known to suck cock for rock! Sleep with anyome and everyone for a bag or a pipe! Spreading strawberry patches through out the valley.

The bucket squad said I'll do it for a point!

by B-S leader November 17, 2018

ghost whisper

A crack head who's vagina is so cursed that any male who has sex with her meets an untimely death, once said male has passed away the female crack head will declare her undying love for the deceased male. By photo shopping pictures of herself into photos with him, this is until her cursed vagina claims another victim. And so the circle of ghost continues.

The ghost whisperer it at it again
The ghost whisperer showing up in photos with people in locations she's never been with them

by B-S leader November 18, 2018