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Secretary’s ass

This a term use to discribe an ass that is flat and spread out. secretaries usually have flat spread out asses due to prolonged periods of sitting. The term could have been interchanged with any profession that sits alot but secritary was generally understood to be a long sitter.

Person A:Dude, your bitch has a Secretary’s ass.
Person B: fuck, I know

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 17, 2005

79👍 27👎


A fourty is a beer that comes in a fourty ounce bottle.

Get me a fourty at the liquer store.

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 16, 2005

64👍 91👎


A savage is some who does not care about the Consequences of his or her actions. Usually the savage will do things that make other people say, "What the fuck are you crazy?" It has been over used to mean other things but this is the orinigal meaning. also see balls of steel

Mike Tyson is a straight up Savage.

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 18, 2005

6014👍 1592👎


this is a question. asking someone if they are willing to take part in somthing an action or a what ever. Could also be in statement form. One could also say "down to the ground" meaning down to the extream.

Question: Are u-Down with a grabbing a couple (fourtys)from the store?

Answer:I am dowm
Question: Are you down with a Dub sac?
Ancer: Down to the ground.

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 17, 2005

67👍 63👎


Means money. The mint prints the shit. Chairmen of the fed controls it

Got to get that scractch. How much scratch you got?

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 16, 2005

3👍 4👎


The actual difenation of this word is a verb meaning the act of being a pimp.While speeking with a girl at a club it is often said one is pimpen.
It later evolved into a term as a greeting like wassup pimpen. The greeting became accepable after the word playa was ligitized as a greeting around 2000 era like wassp playa. The greeting verson oringated in the Ingleside district of San Francisco

Verb: what is joe doing? he is pimping. also see macinghere

Greeting: how is it going pimpen?

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 17, 2005

23👍 9👎

I shit you not

The expression means I am being honest.

john:I just saw Barbra Bush running naked on T.V
Lou: No fucking way
John: I shit you not

by B-dub (refers to my age) November 17, 2005

974👍 154👎