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Jason Choi '02, Swarthmore College. Phi Psi member who jumped out a second-story window in his first full weekend at college.

Did you hear that Shitluck jumped out of a second-story Wharton window?

by Baller-Ass Nigga October 1, 2004

56πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Making love to the dead Frenchman

Urinating for the first time during heavy drinking, thereby necessitating frequent subsequent urination. See breaking the seal. Origin: Swarthmore College, ca. 2000.

After six beers, I made love to the dead Frenchman and after that I couldn't stop pissing all night.

by Baller-Ass Nigga July 7, 2003

47πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

take fitties

A spoonerism for "fake titties." Often used in polite company to express that a woman's breastages have been enhanced with a boob job.

A: "Check out that chick's tig ol bitties!"
B: "Yeah, that ho has a nice rack, but she had plastic surgery. Those are take fitties."

by Baller-Ass Nigga September 16, 2004

53πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Cable television station originally devoted to showing music videos, hence the abbreviation for "Music Television." Over twenty years, it gradually phased out music except for a tiny bit of top-40 pop and rap, replacing videos with cartoons, game shows, reality shows, and other gen-x/y pseudo-hipster fare.

by Baller-Ass Nigga July 9, 2003

735πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

mushroom-shaped welt

A mark left on someone's flesh resulting from being slapped by a penis. The impact of thebulbous glans penis and narrower shaft leaves a mark with a shape much like that of the fruiting body of a mushroom.

Your mother wasn't very careful with her teeth when she was sucking my wang, so I pulled my dong out of her mouth and beat her on the face with it, leaving several mushroom-shaped welts that developed into bruises that were clearly visible when she picked you up from school later that day.

by Baller-Ass Nigga June 18, 2004

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A unit of measurement consisting of the product of meters cubed and kilograms, divided by seconds raised to the fourth power.


The McFly is based on multiplying 88 Miles Per Hour by 1.21 gigawatts, as described in Back the the Future.

Driving at 88 miles per hour and receiving 1.21 gigawatts from a bolt of lightning gives you 47,600,000,000 McFlys, or 47,600,000 kiloMcFlys, or 47,600 megaMcFlys, or 47.6 gigaMcFlys.

by Baller-Ass Nigga October 21, 2004

95πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Will Smith's four favorite words

(1) Yeah
(2) Uh
(3) What
(4) Haha

Sample from any Will Smith rap:

"uh.. uh... yeah yeah yeah yeah... what what... haha haha!"

by Baller-Ass Nigga March 1, 2005

379πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž