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A Florida term for a girl that wont skin or cook a dead animal and can be a very hot girl.

Pairs Hilton is a lindsay.

by Bawss Hawg July 14, 2006

299👍 334👎


A lindsay is a florida term for a girl that wont skin and cook a dead animal. they are normaly very good looking.

Paris Hilton is a lindsay.

by Bawss Hawg July 15, 2006

128👍 236👎


A Florida term for a girl that wont skin or cook a dead animal and can be a very hot girl.

She was a lindsay, she wouldnt cut up and cook the road kill I gave her.

by Bawss Hawg July 14, 2006

102👍 217👎


A florida term for a Pit Bull warrior.

That Hans is a madman!

by Bawss Hawg July 12, 2006

46👍 59👎