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Go Spare

To get out of control with anger, rage, or frustration.
To go berserk.
This is a British expression that was in use before World War II. Probably from spare meaning "excess."

We all thought that Wendy would go spare when she found out that Maurice had spent their rent money buying video games. We were not disappointed.
Malcolm went spare when the liberals passed a law that would lay him off for three months to protect the local prairie dogs.

by Belinda the Goat July 11, 2008

91👍 8👎


An action that is worthy of shame and disapprobation.
An action not done by decent people.

It is shameful for a man to drive a car with an automatic transmission. That's just plain effeminate!
It is shameful for a man to babble on the cell phone while he drives. That's even more effeminate!
It is shameful for a man to be a liberal. A real man takes care of himself and doesn't walk around with his hand out begging for a government handout!
It is shameful for a poofter to wear a sequined jock strap and pretty angel wings and prance in a parade. That's acting like a pansy!
It is shameful for a man to worry and fret about honest people owning guns. That's acting like a wuss!
It is shameful for a woman to go out with a guy who treats her like dirt. That's acting like a slave!
It is shameful for a woman not to take care of her own children. Even a horse or a monkey takes care of her own children!
It is shameful to worry and blather about your fears. We're all in the same boat, people. Suck it up, shut your mouth, and deal with it.

by Belinda the Goat July 11, 2008

51👍 33👎


A effeminate, self-centered man who devotes far too much time to his appearance. A sissy.

Wheldon the metrosexual went into the bathroom to admire himself in the mirror.
Margaret dated a metrosexual, but dumped the big sissy because he took longer to get ready for a party than she did.
A real woman needs a MAN, not a metrosexual.

by Belinda the Goat July 11, 2008

63👍 72👎

Limousine Liberal

A hypocrite democrat who pretends she loves working people, colored guys, and street people, but who has 109 million dollars and lives as far away as possible from working people, colored guys, and street people. They deceive millions of idiots who don't know that nobody ever helped anybody from the back seat of a limousine

Hillary Clinton is a limousine liberal. She pretends she likes beer with a booze chaser when she really likes Zinfandel. She pretends to love rural people, but thinks they are hicks, rubes, and rednecks. She is rich. She rides in a limousine to show how much better she is then you are. She feels entitled to ride in the back of a limousine because she is rich.
Barack O'Bama is a limousine liberal. He pretends he stands for the working class, then accuses them of clinging to religion and guns. He is rich and rides in a limousine to show how much better he is than you are. He feels entitled to ride in the back seat of a limousine because he is a rich colored guy.
Other famous limousine liberals are Senaturd Kennedy, John Kerry, Senaturd Charles Schumer, and Michael Moore -- Hypocritical rich bastards all!

by Belinda the Goat July 11, 2008

5541👍 184👎