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hot, beautiful, awesome, sexy, funny, incredible,

Leoni is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She is just gorgeous! Also Leoni is the perfect girlfriend. She is loyal and will never let you down. Leoni is the definition of perfection. Any guy would be lucky to have a Leoni.

The perfect boy for Leoni is definitely a Benni. So if your name is Benni go get yourself a Leoni.

Everyone needs a Leoni in his life. When you get yourself a Leoni you will get happier by the second you find her.

Benni: My girlfriend is so awesome dude. She is just perfect for me. I love her to the moon and back.
Tom: Wow I want a girl like this ! Whats her name ?
Benni: Leoni DUH! What else could it be?

Benney: Wow Leoni looks so beautiful today. Just like always!
Johanna: do really think so ? I dont like her !
Benney: Johanna just shut up you stupid ass bitch !!!

by Benney M. November 13, 2017

34👍 5👎