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One of the smartest and most beautiful people you will ever meet! Shanika’s are EXTREMELY fun to be around and give the best advice when needed. Shanika’s can sometimes be confused with being mean, but in reality they are actually nice. Shanika’s are known to have a strong intuition and they are family and church oriented. Shanika’s are great lovers and if you ever meet one, you’ll know not to cross a Shanika. She will not stop until she get revenge! So, the best thing to do if you meet a Shanika is love her unconditionally, don’t fuck up her trust, stay honest and true to her. She’ll do the same for you! Best looking, best sex, smartest person, true ride or die! She is known to have alot of haters that want to be like her but they can NEVER amount to SHANIKA!

Guy: Damn I can’t believe I fucked up with Shanika...
Homie: Damn man, should’ve never let that fine girl go. Too late now.

Guy: Them sorry pussy bitches was not worth it smh. She was the BEST at EVERYTHING.

Homie: Damn.

by Best Girl in the World December 26, 2019

39👍 2👎