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chicken suit

When you are cold and your hair sticks up and you have little bumps on you.

wow its cold, I am wearing my chicken suit

by Beth Robertson November 8, 2003

5👍 8👎


Bigger than huge and emormous together!

Look at her ass, it is gargantuan!!

by Beth Robertson November 8, 2003

95👍 31👎

Tim Hortons

A cult religion based on caffeine and baked goods. I swear they put something in that coffee.

I won't be able to make it through this morning without my Tim Hortons.

by Beth Robertson November 8, 2003

914👍 124👎


The biggest, champion of all mullets your eyes have ever seen!

I have seen the mullettron, halleluiah!

by Beth Robertson November 8, 2003