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Indian gold

Turquoise. This stems from the Native Americans' inexplicable love for all things turquoise, especially jewelry.

Hey, next time you go to New Mexico will you pick me up an Indian gold bracelet and a dream catcher?

by Biermann Z January 25, 2011

4👍 8👎

Modesto heybuddy

A close cousin of the Stockton heybuddy. Also a method of greeting someone in the 209 by shoving the middle finger in someone's face. This maneuver is often performed with both hands. It differs from its Stockton cousin in that the person administering it is often literate, and, in many cases employed.

I saw a tweaker looking in my neighbor's garage, so I pushed him off his bike, and gave him the old Modesto heybuddy before kicking him in the face.

by Biermann Z January 27, 2011

1👍 6👎

Irish virus

An synonym for alcoholism based on the stereotype that the Irish are genetically predisposed to being alcoholics.

Seamus checked in to the Betty Ford clinic on account of the Irish virus.

by Biermann Z January 21, 2011

12👍 1154👎

Porn skank

A porn actress. A woman who has sex on camera for money, thus making her a skank.

Jenna Jameson is a porn skank.

by Biermann Z February 19, 2011

10👍 10👎

Porn powder

Cocaine. The name stems from the fact that many porn skanks are avid users of the drug. Many of them developed this habit while they were working as strippers. Many have also been known to take cocaine as payment for sexual favors.

Charlie Sheen had a briefcase full of porn powder delivered to his house prior to his 3 day bender.

by Biermann Z January 28, 2011

3👍 4👎

Indian Style

The act of laying passed out in a gutter. This stems from the stereotype that Native Americans have a low tolerance for alcohol, and a high rate of alcoholism.

Steve McKenna had too much Jack Daniel's. Now he's in front of the bar sitting Indian style.

by Biermann Z January 21, 2011

49👍 53👎