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The official Urban Dictionary page containing words and terms associated with working at Big DICK'S Sporting Goods.

Employee #1: What's a Nick Break?
Employee #2: Pull up the damn DICKtionary!

by Big D's DICKtionary February 4, 2020

Soft Dickin'

The act of being off the clock at DICK'S Sporting Goods, while being actively employed at DICK'S Sporting Goods.

Employee #1: What are you up to today? If you're Soft Dickin', would you like to come over and watch the Seahawks game with me!

Employee #2: Hell yeah I'm Soft Dickin'. I'll be right over!

by Big D's DICKtionary January 19, 2020


The official fan club of Big DICK'S Sporting Goods.

Person #1: Are you a DICKhead?
Person #2: Fuque you!
Person #1: No, I'm asking if you're a member of the DICKhead'S fan club?
Person #2: Oh...hell yeah!!!

by Big D's DICKtionary February 3, 2020

Big Deesus

The one and only almighty power that runs Big DICK'S Sporting Goods.

Employee #1: Does anyone even know what the fuque is going on around here, or how to run the store?
Employee #2: Only the almighty Big Deesus knows how to run a Big DICK'S Sporting Goods.

by Big D's DICKtionary February 7, 2020

Big Dickin'

The act of working on the clock at DICK'S Sporting Goods.

I won't be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner with my family, I will be Big Dickin'.

by Big D's DICKtionary January 10, 2020

Nick Break

An exceptionally long break taken by an employee at a place of employment.

For example, a break that lasts 4x the allowed length, or a lunch break that lasts 2x the allowed length.

Employee #1: Where the hell is Sir Nicholas? I haven't seen him on the sales floor all day!?
Employee #2: He must be taking a Nick Break.
Employee #1: ...makes sense.

by Big D's DICKtionary January 16, 2020