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October 24

October 24 is the day to just go up to people and give them a hug and see if they hug you back or whatever

Hug people on October 24

by Big Daddy Bob big mac October 14, 2019

2095πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž

October 24

Ask anyone if you where to kiss them on the kiss would they kiss you back and then actually do it

October 24 just kiss people

by Big Daddy Bob big mac October 16, 2019

27πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

October 24

On this day October 24 tell people to go fuck there self because people suck and your better and a bhaddie

hey you suck and itҀ™s October 24

by Big Daddy Bob big mac October 15, 2020