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A group of ugly, fat, pale, repulsive, and/or slovenly females.

The term "grenade" was coined by The Situation on MTV's infamous show, The Jersey Shore

"Hey dude, call up that fat chick you've been banging. Tell her to bring her friends."

"Sure thing bro. I guess you wanna dive on some grenades tonight too, huh?"

by Big Freeze UFL February 1, 2010

1063πŸ‘ 438πŸ‘Ž

The Situation

A nickname for this douchebag on MTV's "The Jersey Shore." His real name is Mike, and he has sick abs and is a funny guy, but he is too insecure to ever bang a hotty. Instead, The Situation settles for sixes at best, and is known to bring grenades back to the crib.

"I wish I had abs like The Situation."

"I wish I had a tan like The Situation."

"I wish I could tag fugly broads every night like The Situation."

by Big Freeze UFL February 1, 2010

867πŸ‘ 317πŸ‘Ž

law student

Someone who has no tangible skills except the ability to read a book and memorize Latin terms such as "res ipsa" and "de novo."

Someone who hides their alcoholism and insecurities by constantly gossiping about classmates.

Someone who knows how to party.

"Who is that douchebag over there wearing a blazer with khacki shorts and bragging about how he met Obama once?"

"Oh, that's just a law student."

by Big Freeze UFL February 1, 2010

126πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

period jeans

A pair of loose jeans that a female wears when she is on the rag.

"My girlfriend gets angry and bloated when she is on PMS patrol. Her period jeans and negative attitude totally killed my boner."

by Big Freeze UFL February 1, 2010

33πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


an annual event held by UF Law where students go to the woods, get wasted, listen to live music, make smores, and contract herpes.

"What's the festering scab on your lip? Is that herpes?"

"Yeah. I went to Woodser."

by Big Freeze UFL February 6, 2010

135πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

law school smart

A term used to describe a student in law school who is both mentally and socially inept in the practical world, but still makes decent grades in law school.

Susie goes to law school. Susie doesn't know how to drive, she's afraid of anyone not white, and she's so fucking gullible I got her to blow me once by promising her my crim law outline. Yeah, Susie is really law school smart.

by Big Freeze UFL February 1, 2010

45πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

UF Law

An educational institute located in Gainesville, Florida, where students go to study law at a bargain price. In addition to learning legal issues in a diverse setting, UF Law students can expect to develop alcoholism.

UF Law produces more judges, justices, and raging alcoholic millionaire big-firm lawyers than any other law school in Florida.

by Big Freeze UFL February 4, 2010

94πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž