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No homo


No Homo is the magic phrase men utter when undertaking task that are gay, so that they may ward it off.
When a man sucks his homies dick, he must always say no homo, or both will become third level mega gay.
I once got sucked off by my homie and he forgot to say it. We now have two kids.
It’s pretty gay.

Bro 1: Yo bro, goodnight
Bro 2: Night bro, (kisses forehead)
Bro 1: Bro!
Bro 2: No homo.
Bro 1: Aight bro.

by Big Noot April 11, 2019

323👍 16👎


Messer is that one handsome fucker that always wears a tropical themed shirt on Tuesday’s, and acts generally pleasant. Most people think he’s a nut case, but is actually quite sweet, while still being a nut case.

Person 1: What day is it?
Person 2: Since Messer is wearing another Hawaiian shirt, I’d say it’s Tuesday.
Person 1: He still does that?
Person 2: Sadly

by Big Noot April 9, 2019

2👍 4👎


I fucking tried to spell week. And now it’s on this site.

Me: Hey dude look, I wrote wusk instead of week on accident
Simon: That’s pretty funny, put it on Urban Dictionary.

by Big Noot April 8, 2019

4👍 1👎