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The term used to define the total mass of hairs on a body. Martyn Balfour is a good example of this phenonemon when all hair is overgrown and past the stage of "razor bladable" to cut. May result in loss of skin and extreeme head lice

Marytn Balfour is hairy

by Billy No Legs April 9, 2003

225👍 140👎

Armpit Sucker

Somebody who, over regular methods of rehydration, would prefer to gently suck the hairs from beneath the arm, leading to a smelly, but refreshing, drink!

Are you an Armpit Sucker?

by Billy No Legs April 9, 2003

29👍 17👎

Saddam Hussain

A Iraqi leader who will soon be non existant if Americans continue to bomb the FUCK out of Iraq.

Saddam Hussain is my father

by Billy No Legs April 9, 2003

20👍 39👎


The noise wrote to determine the sound you and your stomach makes when you vomit. Warning, may contain carrots and digestive buiscuits

*Brahl!* Shit, Is that a rotweiller in my puke?

by Billy No Legs April 9, 2003

4👍 10👎