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Derived from a line in Lil Wayne's "Live From the 504", in which Wayne states, "have a sweater wit dat, and jus chillllll." It is used in place of words/phrases such as bullshit, you're good on dat, never dat etc.

Maxwell: "The Carolina Panthers might be decent next year..."

Me: "You are fucking sweaters on that Maxwell."

by Birddog Dan April 24, 2011

4👍 1👎

The Mule

The tag given to the single 21 year old at a party who's sole function is to retrieve beer for underage people who don't like him.

Toby: You guys want a case? I'm buying if I can stay!

Franklin: Sure toolbag, just hurry I'm thirsty.
(Toby exits)
Franklin: The Mule FTW

by Birddog Dan February 1, 2011

3👍 9👎


The final step in desecrating on one's peronal confidence socially, thus rendering their reputation "dead" among aquaintances. This action may be used either in the spur of the moment, or in a one-on-one setting which shall be disclosed to the general public thereafter.

Mick: Hey Melvin, the 80's called, they want their mustache back. GET SOME.

Everyone in Vicinity: Yea Melvin, GET SOME nair.

Melvin: I hate you.

by Birddog Dan February 1, 2011

14👍 25👎